Thursday, May 28, 2015

The New "Norm".

If you've been "keeping up with the Jones'", you'll have heard that we are expecting Thing Three in November 2015. We already have two handsome, rambunctious, dramatic boys, Thing One and Thing Two, so we thought we'd add one more kid to the mix. What the heck?

Here's our story. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent.)

Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away, there lived a boy, we'll call him Neal. and a girl, we'll call her Betty. They met, became best friends, fell in love and soon the two were wed. No drama there. Soon after, (2 years later) their firstborn son, Thing One made them the happiest they'd ever been. 20 months later, Thing Two rounded them out. The 3 boys and Princess Mommy lived happily ever after. Or so they thought.

In January 2015, Neal and Betty received a word from a prophet at their church, that God was changing the "norm". Shortly after, things began to change. In March of 2015, soon after celebrating Betty's 28th birthday, A was let go from his corporate job of the last 5 years. The two soon realized CHANGE was upon them. Their story was being rewritten.

A few days later, Betty started to feel very ill. She wanted to chalk it up to anxiety of the unknown but knew exactly what it was. So with the encouragement of her best friend, we'll call her "Lulie" (Yes, Lulie.), she took a pregnancy test and lo and behold! It was positive. More change was coming and a new chapter was being penned.

Things began to get very sticky. But both Neal and Betty relied on their faith in God, family and close friends. Neal soon got a job and things were slowly becoming their new "norm".

So Neal, Betty, Thing One and Thing Two patiently await the arrival of Thing Three. We hope you'll keep us in your prayers these next 6 months and beyond as we adjust to the new "norm". We are excited to see what God has for us as a party of  5, but forgive us if you don't see us in public very often!

Love and Best Wishes,

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